
Electronic invoice dispatch with ZUGFeRD and XRechnung

The electronic invoicing for Germany is very easy with the WinLine. With the WinLine EBILLING DE module, you can create data output in XML format according to the ZUGFeRD (Factur-X) and XRechnung standards.

Electronic invoices have innumerable advantages - from cost savings through avoidance of postage, printing costs and storage space for analog paper invoices to time savings through digital delivery to liquidity advantages through faster payment of invoices or the possibility of cash discounts, to name just a few.

If you want to do business with public authorities and institutions, you can no longer avoid digital invoice processing from November 27, 2020 at the latest. From then on, all invoices from € 1,000 must be sent electronically to the contracting authority.

Would you like to know more about sending invoices digitally in the WinLine?
We and our retail partners will be happy to help you.