Student works on the laptop

Well equipped for the future with mesonic

It has always been important to us to contribute to a good education of students, because the education sector provides the most valuable resources for a company - well-trained employees.

For many years now, we have been supporting schools in all areas with training on the subject of “business software” by making our software programs available to them for teaching purposes. Our programs are taught at almost 500 schools in Germany and Austria.

The school assignment in Germany

We have been cooperating with the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture in Munich since 1989. Since then, all Bavarian vocational and general education schools have been able to use our WinLine programs in their lessons. This offer is currently used by around 400 Bavarian teaching and educational institutions with various types of school.

You can obtain information on teaching material and school clients directly from harald.decker [at] (Mr. Harald Decker) from the State Institute for School Education and Educational Research.

Of course, we also offer schools in other federal states the opportunity to use our programs in class. Are you interested or have further questions? Then contact us directly. We will contact you shortly.

The school assignment in Austria

In cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, our WinLine programs are also used at Austrian HAKs, HTLs, human-professional schools, educational universities and other private educational institutions. The aim here is to familiarize the students with reality as 1: 1 as possible. Because the initial training of future employees benefits the companies, but also gives the graduates a head start when looking for a job.

A special mesonic school version with all programs, information, licenses and specially set up clients is available free of charge at the site and is passed on to the students by the custodians.