An invoice is displayed on the laptop

Status of electronic invoicing in Austria

Since 2014, companies have been required to issue electronic invoices for goods and services to federal agencies in Austria.

Electronic invoices to the federal government or the administration must fulfil special requirements and regulations with regard to format, content and type of submission, which are implemented accordingly with the WinLine eBILLING AT module. Our document management system WinLine ARCHIV will support you in archiving your invoices, which is also mandatory.

This means that with WinLine you are already equipped for processing electronic invoices in Austria!

Icon magnifying glass in white

Background information

The mandatory introduction of electronic invoicing is a central component of the EU Commission's so-called ViDA initiative (VAT in the Digital Age). One of its aims is to reform current VAT law and introduce an electronic reporting system across the EU to replace the existing recapitulative statements (SRs) and combat VAT fraud in the EU more effectively.